Trainings/Professional Development offered by Journeys Inc.
Details, fees and Payment Options
Interested in training/professional development for your organization?
Contact us at for information on training fees/costs and payment options. Those interested in learning more can also complete contact form under “contact” tab above. Trainings can be provided in person or virtually. Training lengths depends on type of training. Trainings can be tailored to fit audience, participants and agency/facility needs. Just reach out and we can explore how to best meet the needs of your agency.
Continuing Education Units
CEUs are available. Arrangements for CEUs made upon scheduling. Authorized by NMCounseling Board as CEU Provider #CCE0200281.
Regulate then Educate-Trauma Sensitive Lens
Regulate Then Educate! This workshop will illustrate the connection between trauma and its impact on regulation and relationship and academic, social, and behavioral struggles, all while working towards a better understanding of what influences behavior and what behavior is communicating. With better understanding comes a better response, one that supports healing, facilitates connection build resilience. This workshop will offer a working definition of trauma and will explore a simple antidote to the trauma response that issurprisingly at the fingertips of anyone at any time. The workshop is interactive incorporating multiple learning opportunities. Workshop includes sensory activities, video,small and large group discussion, and attendees are active participants.
Trauma Sensitive Lens-Magnified
Deeper Exploration into the Impact of Trauma
Workshop/training gives participants the opportunity to review the trauma sensitive lens anda practical overview of basic brain function and impact of trauma on the brain’s organization, function, and structure, especially the stress response system. This workshop will take adeeper dive into various other topics including the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) study as well as concepts such as compensatory behaviors. The workshop will explore the connections between trauma and substance use misuse, addiction, cutting behaviors, and the reward system. Disassociation and arousal will be explored, and related behaviorsidentified. Topics such as guilt and shame, empathy, resilience, and post-traumatic wisdom will be presented. Participants will engage in an interactive activity to put the content covered into practice.
Trauma, Crisis, and Self Care
Workshop/training incorporates current research and perspectives from neuroscience andconnects to day-to-day experiences with the impact of trauma. Workshop/training providesopportunity for participants to develop greater understanding of trauma's impact on all aspectsof life and particularly the impact on one’s stress response system or “survival brain.”Participants will define trauma and the trauma response. Participants will explore the purpose and function of our stress response system and how the brain and body are impacted.
These concepts will then be related to currents stressors, uncertainties, current events and vicarious trauma. Participants will explore the notion of self-care or rather, “taking good care ofyourself” daily as it relates to working with people who have experienced trauma and specificto stressors and uncertainties that impact all of us in some way. Lastly, participants will beexposed to simple yet effective ideas to “take good care of themselves.”
Adverse Childhood Experiences
ACE-Study-Impact, Implications & Prevention
This training/workshop will explore and define trauma and the impact of childhood trauma/adversity. The workshop will explore the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE)study and how the research originated as well as the findings of the study. This workshop/training will identify the linkage between adversity in childhood and a range of vulnerabilities into adulthood to include physical health, behavioral health, academicsuccess, and overall wellbeing. Research data also shows that, although ACEs cross alleconomic and racial categories, there is a higher prevalence of ACEs in communities of color, underrepresented communities and people with lower economic resources.Participants will explore possible connections between adversity and compensatorybehaviors engaged in to relieve the stressor activated by trauma and adversity. These compensatory behaviors lead to and can create various health vulnerabilities. Further, the training/workshop will explore strategies for prevention, resilience and healing.
Attuned to the Rhythm!
The Roots of Rhythm, Regulation and Connection
We are all connected, and rhythm is a thread the holds all of us and our world together.
In this workshop we will explore the power in rhythm as a tool for healing and regulation, especially regarding managing the trauma response.
Rhythm is deep within our human capacity and is an incredible biological gift that we havebeen given. We can easily tap into this biological gift, first by being reminded that the gift isthere at our fingertips and then by engaging in simple activities that are rhythmic andpatterned as a form of regulation and connection. This workshop will offer simple and easilyaccessible activities that help us and those we serve get regulated or, in other words, get “back in balance” and “find our rhythm.”
Rhythm is universal. Therefore, this workshop is intended for all audiences and is engagingand interactive and fully relevant all of us, as well as those of us working with children and families who have experienced trauma. Information presented is research based and supported by relevant and recent knowledge.
Nurtured Heart Approach
NHA As a Therapeutic Tool “Who uses NHA?” The Nurtured Heart Approach® (NHA) is acurriculum for relationship. It supports adults in relating to children in ways that guide them touse their intensity successfully and positively. Through the NHA, children come to see theirintensity as fuel for greatness, not as a deficit or a handicap. Originally developed for working with the most challenging children, the NHA works to awaken the greatnessinherent in all children. Rather than acting out negatively, children begin to act out theirgreatness – and adults get to experience the joy of being a highly effective agent of changein the lives of children.
Intensity is key to Nurtured Heart Approach thinking.
The Nurtured Heart Approach embraces the 3 Stands™, that when committed to, become apowerful means of transforming children:
Stand 1: ABSOLUTELY NO! I refuse to give my time, energy, and relationship to negative behavior. I will not accidentally foster failure nor will I reward problems byresponding to them in animated ways. I will save my time and energy for searching for success.
Stand 2: ABSOLUTELY YES! I will relentlessly and strategically pull the child into new patterns of success. I will constantly recognize the success and achievement thatchildren are displaying no matter how small and present them with clear undeniable evidence of their value and how great they are.
Stand 3: ABSOLUTELY CLEAR! I will have clear and consistent consequences forchildren when a rule has been broken. “Here are the rules, and here’s what happens when you break a rule.”
Mental Health 101
“Mental Health” can seem like a daunting concept to understand. This training will provide an overview of important topics including stress, anxiety, and depression. We will explorethe biology of stress and some of the unhealthy ways people behave to find peace. We will also delve into common mental health issues including depression, anxiety, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Eating Disorders, Schizophrenia and explore factors relating to substance use/misuse.